GNSH 2021Annual Summit (Virtual)
- Thursday, September 9 10:00 AM -1:00 PM EST
- Friday, September 10 10:00 AM -1:00 PM EST
Greetings GNSH Members and Friends:
We hope this message finds you well, safe, and healthy as the world continues to battle COVID-19 and its latest variants. Healthcare systems around the globe are overly stressed. Healthcare teams face fatigue, burn out, and many professionals working outside of their “routine” area of expertise to help offset staffing gaps. Combined with limited equipment, medication and capacity, healthcare has never been in such a crisis.
This Virtual Summit will focus on how healthcare teams and healthcare systems are being forced to adapt to this challenging environment. Our goal is to identify some of the most challenging gaps to see how others have found scalable solutions that can be refined, potentially in the form of GNSH’s 30 minute team engagements, or some other form of simulation to help teams and systems in the near and immediate term.
This virtual event will be held on Thursday, September 9th and Friday, September10th from 10:00AM-1:00PM EST. We hope that you will make plans to join so please hold this date on your calendar. You will find the tentative agenda below. More information will be shared including panelists next week.
Please register to join the event, we look forward to your contribution.
Should you have any questions, please do not hesitate to reach out to executive@gnsh.org. We look forward to connecting again at the GNSH Virtual Annual Summit and Membership Update, In the meantime, please take care.
Board of Directors
Global Network for Simulation in Healthcare, Inc.
Virtual GNSH 2021 Annual Summit & Update to Membership
September 9th & 10th
10:00 AM - 1:00 PM EST
Day 1 - Agenda (Thursday, September 9, 2021)
10:00 – 10:20 AM
Welcome, Introductions and Overview
10:20 – 11:20 AM
Panel Discussion: How do you heal the healthcare workforce and what is simulations role in this?
- Tina (Tee) Garnett, SickKids, Panelist
- Gillian Hawker, University of Toronto, Panelist
- David Kessler, Columbia University, Panelist
- Lennox Huang, SickKids, Moderator
11:20 – 11:30 AM
11:30 – 11:55 AM
Breakout Session 1: Healing Now / Correcting the Healthcare System
11:55- 12:10 PM
Brief Report Outs
12:10- 12:35 PM
Breakout Session 2: How do we build the workforce for the future? What interventions/simulations to shape the future?
12:35- 1:00 PM
Report Outs & Next Steps
Day 2 - Agenda (Friday, September 10, 2021)
10:00 – 10:10AM
Welcome, Overview Day 1
10:10- 11:10AM
Panel Discussion: From a system’s perspective, how is the delivery of healthcare changing and what kinds of solutions would help in this
- Claire Fuller, Surrey Heartlands, Panelist
- Leaf Mobbs, NHS Northeast & Yorkshire, Panelist
- Makani Purva, NHS, Moderator
- David Grant, Q&A Facilitator
11:10- 11:20AM
11:20- 11:50AM
Breakout Session: Given the gaps and opportunities, what are possible solutions
11:50- 12:10 PM
Brief Report Outs
12:10- 12:35 PM
Breakout Session 2: How do we build the workforce for the future? What interventions/simulations to shape the future?
12:35- 1:00 PM
Report Outs & Next Steps
1:15- 1:45 PM
Update to the Membership (optional)