GNSH 2021 Spring Summit

Save the Date: Friday, April 23, 2021
Time: 2:00 – 5:00 PM EST
Venue Zoom Conference
Registration: email
Questions: email
Greetings GNSH members:
We do hope this message finds you well, safe, and healthy as the world continues to battle COVID-19. As the late president, Chad Epps, wrote last year, “there is no doubt that these are difficult times for our communities, however, GNSH is well positioned to leverage the use of simulations across the globe to impact healthcare outcomes, especially pertaining to the current and ongoing pandemic.”
With this in mind, the important work continues and the GNSH Board of Directors is excited to announce the date and time for the upcoming GNSH Virtual Spring Summit & Membership Update. This virtual event will be held on Friday, April 23rd from 2:00-5:00PM EST. We hope that you will make plans to join so please hold this date on your calendar. You will find the tentative agenda here. Next week, more information will be shared in addition to a registration link.
Additionally, as the organization continues to grieve the tragic and untimely death of Dr. Chad Epps, the former president of GNSH, the Board of Directors would like to announce the appointment of Dr. Mary Anne Rizzolo, a current board member to the position of interim president. Dr. Rizzolo has graciously agreed to serve in this capacity through the summer 2021 summit and meeting. The Board of Directors appreciates her willingness to lead the organization throughout this time of transition.
Should you have any questions, please do not hesitate to reach out to We look forward to connecting again at the GNSH Virtual Spring Summit and Membership Update on April 23rd. In the meantime, please take care.
Board of Directors
Global Network for Simulation in Healthcare, Inc.