GNSH Virtual Spring Event


The Renaissance of Health Professions Education and Simulation through AI

Thursday, April 25th
10:00AM – NOON EST 

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10:00 – 10:15 AM: Opening Remarks, GNSH Co-Chairs

  • Lennox Huang & Pamela Jeffries

10:15 – 10:45 AM: Keynote Address – Artificial Intelligence in Healthcare: Evidence, Equity & Great Expectations

  • Speaker: Dr. Melissa McCradden, Women’s and Children’s Health Network Artificial Intelligence Director, The Hospital Research Foundation Clinical Research Fellow in Ethics of AI

10:45 – 11:45 AM: Interactive Panel Discussion – AI, the Future of Health Professional Education & Simulation Applications

    • Panelist: Dr. Jules White, Senior Advisor to the Chancellor for Generative AI in Education and Enterprise Solutions, Professor of Computer Science Topic Overview: A comprehensive look into how AI shapes the future of cyber-security, mobile/cloud computing across various sectors, including healthcare and manufacturing. Insights into the impact of AI innovations on society and industry, backed by Dr. White’s extensive research and venture successes.
    • Panelist: Dr. Cornelius Alfred James, Clinical Assistant Professor, University of Michigan Topic Overview: Discussion on the integration of AI and ML in medical education, highlighting the DATA-MD curriculum designed to enhance diagnostic decision-making among healthcare professionals. Sharing insights on the importance of data-driven, equitable, patient-centered care in clinical reasoning and practice.
    • Panelist: Dr. Justin Jeffers, Assistant Professor, Johns Hopkins School of Medicine Topic Overview: Insights into the application of AI in medical simulations, focusing on AR-CPR and other innovative simulation-based training techniques for pediatric resuscitation and emergency medicine. Discussion on the challenges and opportunities in integrating AI into simulation training and the future directions of simulation in medical education.

11:45 AM – 12:00 PM: Spring Event Wrap-Up, Next Steps, GNSH Co-Chairs

  • Lennox Huang & Pamela Jeffries

Melissa McCradden, PhD

Dr. Melissa McCradden is the Women’s and Children’s Health Network Artificial Intelligence Director and The Hospital Research Foundation Clinical Research Fellow in Ethics of AI at the Australian Institute for Machine Learning at the University of Adelaide. She is an Adjunct Scientist with The Hospital for Sick Children in the Genetics and Genome Biology Research Program. Dr. McCradden’s expertise is in the development of ethical frameworks derived from clinical and technical knowledge grounded in policy, law, and moral theory. She has published on algorithmic bias, responsible clinical evaluation of healthcare machine learning, and clinical integration of AI. Representing ethical development and evaluation of AI, she participates in a plethora of international reporting guideline initiatives including CONSORT and SPIRIT AI (clinical trials), DECIDE-AI (first-in-human trials) among others. Dr. McCradden holds a PhD in Neuroscience from McMaster University, a Master of Health Sciences in Bioethics from the University of Toronto, and was the inaugural Postdoctoral Fellow in AI Ethics at SickKids and Vector Institute.

Jules White, PhD

Senior Advisor to the Chancellor for Generative AI in Education and Enterprise Solutions

Dr. Jules White is a National Science Foundation CAREER Award recipient. His research has won multiple Best Paper Awards. He has also published over 160 papers. As Dean of Strategic Learning Programs, he led the online MS in Computer Science at Vanderbilt to the #1 ranking by Fortune for online MS in Computer Science degrees. Dr. White’s research focuses on cyber-security and mobile/cloud computing in domains ranging from healthcare to manufacturing. His research has been licensed and transitioned to industry, where it won an Innovation Award at CES 2013, attended by over 150,000 people, was a finalist for the Technical Achievement at Award at SXSW Interactive, and was a top 3 for mobile in the Accelerator Awards at SXSW 2013. He has raised over $12 million in venture backing for his startup companies. His research is conducted through the Mobile Application computinG, optimizatoN, and secUrity Methods (MAGNUM) Group at Vanderbilt University, which he directs.

Cornelius Alfred James, MD

Dr. James is a Clinical Assistant Professor in the Departments of Internal Medicine, Pediatrics and Learning Health Sciences at the University of Michigan (U-M). He is a primary care physician, practicing as a general internist and a general pediatrician. Dr. James has served in many educational roles across the continuum of medical education. He also serves on local and national medical education committees. In multiple years Dr. James has been identified as one of the top teachers in the Department of Internal Medicine. In addition, in 2022 he received the pre-clinical Kaiser Permanente Excellence in Teaching award, the most prestigious teaching award given by the U-M medical school. Dr. James has completed the American Medical Association (AMA) Health Systems Science Scholars program, and he was also one of ten inaugural 2021 National Academy of Medicine (NAM) Scholars in Diagnostic Excellence. As a NAM scholar, he began working on the Data Augmented, Technology Assisted Medical Decision Making (DATA-MD) curriculum. The DATA-MD curriculum is designed to teach healthcare professionals to use artificial intelligence (AI) and machine learning (ML) in their diagnostic decision making. Dr. James is also leading the DATA-MD team as they develop a web-based AI/ML curriculum for the AMA. He has published articles in JAMA, Annals of Internal Medicine, Academic Medicine, the Journal of General Internal Medicine, Cell Reports, and more. He is interested in curriculum development, and teaching learners to provide evidence-based, data-driven, equitable, patient-centered care. His research interests include clinical reasoning, implementation of AI/ML curricula across the continuum of medical education, and implementation of digital tools into clinical practice.

Justin Jeffers, MD

Dr. Jeffers is an Assistant Professor at the Johns Hopkins School of Medicine and an Attending Pediatrician. He directs both the Pediatric Resuscitation Training Program and the Pediatric Emergency Medicine Simulation Program at Johns Hopkins, focusing on improving emergency care and training in pediatrics. As an internationally recognized leader in pediatric simulation, Justin currently serves as the President of the International Pediatric Simulation Society (IPSS). Dr. Jeffers’ currently spearheads research on AR-CPR, aiming to enhance CPR training with augmented reality technology. Additionally he has conducted workshops on integrating ChatGPT into medical training scenarios, leveraging AI to improve simulation design and effectiveness.

GNSH 2024 

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